The Easiest Eco-Friendly Swaps to Incorporate into 2022

Before you sigh at the word eco-friendly, these swaps are simple, affordable, and are an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint.

We all know that plastic is a real issue and the huge impact it is having on the environment. But did you know that combating this issue can start literally in your own home?

One of my favourite things about environmentally friendly alternatives to everyday items is that they often mean saving money in the long run!

Instead of taking your makeup off with cotton wool or makeup wipes, why not invest in reusable cotton rounds? These can be used, washed, and reused time and time again, reducing the amount of waste we are creating. They are also very soft against the skin and make a great addition to anyone’s skincare routine.

Sticking with the bathroom theme, swapping from a plastic toothbrush to bamboo will reduce environmental pollution and the amount of plastic that ends up in the ocean. Forever a skeptic, I trialled out the bamboo toothbrush and can report that my teeth feel just as clean brushing using bamboo as opposed to plastic. The wooden handle can be chucked into compost and will naturally biodegrade. At £1 for three toothbrushes in B&M, this is a definite win.

Next up is the solid shampoo bar. If you read my recent post on LUSH, you will know that swapping to naked products has a massive impact on the amount of plastic going into landfill every year. Plus, these plastic free alternatives can now be found at lower price points in discount stores such as Home Bargains for as little as 99p!

Reusable coffee cups are another easy way to save money while saving the environment. Many coffee shops have introduced a charge for plastic coffee cups, or even offer a discount if you provide your own. They come in lots of different designs and will last for years!

The last alternative I’m going to mention isn’t exactly a swap, but it is something really easy to start practicing. Recycling mindfully means being aware of whether your packaging, food waste, or container will recycle before tossing it in the regular waste. Even something so simple as taking the empty bottle of coke you bought in town home with you to wash and recycle can have a huge impact on the environment!

Let me know if there are any swaps that I didn’t mention that you’ve incorporated into your new year!


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